Time To Throw In The Towel (And The Toilet Paper)
A dozen arrestees sop it up in this week’s roundup

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APRIL 21--The Floridian, 27, who leads off this week’s mug shot roundup landed behind bars Wednesday on a trespassing rap. As for his less-hirsute fellow defendants, a few notes:
1) Following her arrest for drunk driving, the 25-year-old Oklahoma woman on page #2 posed for a jail photo while carrying some jail-issued sundries; 2) The beaming Oregonian, 34, on page #3 was nabbed for failing to appear in court in connection with a prior identity theft collar; 3) The bug-eyed South Carolina woman, 49, on page #7 was jailed on trespassing and assault and battery charges; 4) The Miami man, 52, seen in the lineup on page #10 was arrested Monday on a fugitive warrant; and 5) The 21-year-old on page #12 was nabbed by Oregon cops after failing to appear in court to answer charges in a theft case. (12 pages)